Random pictures, thoughts, and rants.

Random thoughts, pictures, and rants: Mainly from me, but maybe from the dogs if they figure out how to type.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Things I'm thinking about in the middle of the night

It's past midnight and there is no good reason I should be awake. I walked further on a sandy trail than I have in a year, I was busy all day, I haven't had coffee since 7 am. But here I am.

Today, or yesterday rather, I watched a whiptail lizard devour a caterpillar. Its head was shaped just like the raptors in Jurassic Park. I also saw one slither out of a hole in the ground that I would have assumed was a snake hole. And lizard turf battles are a hoot to observe.

In a little spot called Eage Valley I bought a pop and lantern mantles. The store was a combination RV park office/grocery/bar/casino. The patrons in the bar looked like they'd been there a while and had nowhere pressing to be any time soon. I had no urge to cut through the cigarette smoke just to play a slot machine. Then and there I made the decision that this trip to Nevada would not include gambling. Not too hard to do this close to Utah, really.

It feels odd to be in so much contact with the world in a one-way manner while out on a camping trip. Somehow it feels like cheating or just hiding from home but doing nearly the same web surfing as always.

The dogs are so tired tonight. I wish I could sleep as hard as they are right now. They had a big day of hiking, lizard lunging, and swimming at Echo Canyon state park. I'll sign off with a picture that illustrates my impression of the reservoir there. Good night, I hope.
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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