Random pictures, thoughts, and rants.

Random thoughts, pictures, and rants: Mainly from me, but maybe from the dogs if they figure out how to type.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I do love pictures of minutia.

So very often I find myself in some gorgeous spot with fantastic scenery and what do I take a picture of? This:
When if I look up and refocus, I can see this:
Or this:

But then I get caught up in something like this:
Or these:
And this: (by the way...I love newts)
Or something like this:

Oh well. At least in this era of digital photography I am not wasting boatloads of film and money on various pictures of tiny things or slimy things or random things.  Life is good.  

But by the way, the cool wheels for the trip to the coast looked like this:
We called it the Vespa all weekend.  I think it was a Versa or some such V word.  The other V word that was involved in the weekend was Vanessa, and she looked like this:

It was a good coast trip, even if we did miss our drunken birthday girl, Tiffy. :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

I really wonder about my subconscious mind.

I mean, really, where does it come up with some of the dreams I have? Here's a quote from last night: "He's in there right now drinking the gravy without asking first!"  Undoubtedly my subconscious was tinged with thoughts of the upcoming Thanksgiving feast in which gravy will be consumed (hopefully without ptomaine or botulism) and the lunch I had with my grandparents that involved a baked potato and gravy. But drinking gravy? Really? I have never seen someone quaff gravy, even when it was damned good stuff.

Maybe I'll post random quotes from other dreams, but then again, when a person recounts a dream it is usually a lot more interesting to the dreamer than the audience.  Gnight! Sweet dreams! (and Mom: yellow, chocolate brown, and cadet blue)

Friday, November 5, 2010

This is what we do at the yurt.jpg

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