When if I look up and refocus, I can see this:
Or this:
But then I get caught up in something like this:
Or these:
And this: (by the way...I love newts)
Or something like this:
Oh well. At least in this era of digital photography I am not wasting boatloads of film and money on various pictures of tiny things or slimy things or random things. Life is good.
But by the way, the cool wheels for the trip to the coast looked like this:
We called it the Vespa all weekend. I think it was a Versa or some such V word. The other V word that was involved in the weekend was Vanessa, and she looked like this:
It was a good coast trip, even if we did miss our drunken birthday girl, Tiffy. :)
That was a great trip! You can tell by the look on my face. Doh!