Random pictures, thoughts, and rants.

Random thoughts, pictures, and rants: Mainly from me, but maybe from the dogs if they figure out how to type.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Coughs and flu and sniffles, oh my!

So, this school year is already shaping up to be a germy one. We're in month two of school and I either am in month two of a cold or my virus collection stands at two, depending on how you're counting. All I know is that my mucus production and cough-rate are way up.  I also haven't seen 10:30pm in over two weeks, and in fact am now getting perverse joy in how early I cave in and crawl into bed.  My record this year is 7pm, but I had to talk myself into staying up past 6:15 that night.

It is also October 10th today, and people are going wacky with the "10-10-10!" craziness. In honor of the silliness, I propose we call this day "Bo Derek" day and be done with it.

I'm off to buy more Kleenex.  Whoever thought of infusing tissue with lotion should receive a Nobel Prize.


  1. You need handkerchiefs! Yes, it is gross to carry around mucus in your pocket, but man they do wonders for your nose. I swear by them (dangit!)

  2. My dad does, too! I spent many an hour (ok, maybe a total of an hour, they aren't big) folding laundered handkerchiefs as a kid. I haven't been able to bring myself to blow my nose into cloth yet. Maybe there is a chapped nose point where I'll break, though.
